How to make a soda can into a pen or makeup brush holder!

Hey folks I promised a magic trick so here it is!!! HAHAAHA no magic trick here just a simple girl with an imaginative mind. So today we are going to make a coke can into a pencil holder just as promised! You will need a soda can or any type of can really. A canContinue reading “How to make a soda can into a pen or makeup brush holder!”

To ending old habits and creating new ones.

Hello, my dear followers this year instead of doing blah blah 101 again I am going to re-start this blog. The new β€˜β€™improved’’ blog will still have my normal writings and photography post but this year I will be focusing on what I can share with you. For an example, DIY, crafts, recipes, simple organizationContinue reading “To ending old habits and creating new ones.”