How I de-cluttered My Personal Life

When life happens there comes a time when we need to De-Clutter our personal lives. We can rearrange our furniture, donate 12 bags of items without more then a couple of breaths but de-cluttering our personal lives takes on a whole new meaning of looking within.ย  After going through everything materialistic wise, I still wasn’t content.. I still felt like I was being smothered.

My biggest challenge was looking within. I had to really sit down with myself and ask some hard questions. It felt like an interview more or less with myself. What can you do different to change your habits? What can you leave behind with that case of baggage? What makes you happy, truly happy? And for the hardest question… Who do you need to let go of?

I was never really one to have many friends but sometimes even in a small group we need let some of those go. My biggest fear and probably the biggest procrastinating was letting those people go. I had a couple people I had in my life for sometime that was really putting me down and doing nothing but hurting me. I kept trying to make excuses on why I kept them in my life. I mean after all the red flags were there and even some of the other people in my life had tried to show me it. I guess I kept them around because I felt an obligation? Most of the few people that I let go of had bad circumstances or very little friends themselves. The biggest lesson I learned from that was: before you can have a healthy relationship with people in general you have to have a healthy relationship with yourself.ย And that my friends came the beginning of de-cluttering myself.

My first step was to make a plan. The first thing on my list was to write down habits of mine that I new that were not healthy for me or those around me. That was simple enough. Eat right, exercise more, read more, and be more organized with my time. I pretty much work for myself and going to college to finish my degree. So my time is spent mostly at my home. There really isn’t a excuse for me not to manage my time better. I can’t say I don’t have time because I have more time on my hands then I should.ย  I set a schedule for study hours, work hours, and hobby hours. This actually helped me a lot be more productive.

My next step was to set down with myself on my goals. Now not everyone is goal oriented but I believe everyone should have at least a REASON or some sort of idea what they want. After getting things down on paper I decided to really take action with what I wanted, most importantly what I deserved. I decided to let go of that group of knitters (I can’t nit to save my life) and instead decided to take that extra time I had now open and put it into my religious group. We know have a group for younger children!

After letting my anger and grief go from things that happened long ago, the next step was to start letting go of those people. One by one I went down a list of people who I barely talk to or those who only call me when they need something or worse.ย  Eventually I found out who my true friends were, turns out not everyone who has a friend mask on is a friend.

After the initial heartache my life seemed to be less suffocating and definitely more energized. If I have any advice to you about de-cluttering.. Clothes most come first and secondly find out who you are, then you can move forward out of the chaos.ย  Much love and light, blessings to everyone.

If you haven’t already and enjoyed readings, please like and share. All comments and messages to me are welcome. Till next time.. Keep On Chirping

Published by Little Lady

If yesterday didn't come I wouldn't see today and tomorrow would never come Life is just a day in forever. Writing/blogging is where I belong. It is my voice,my eyes and my strength. I could talk about today and I could talk about yesterday. There isn't a subject I don't blog about. Along with my writings here, I do photography. Photos are memories laminated. Expect some tears, some laughs and maybe some attitude. You'll always leave here with something. ****UPDATE FOR 2018 This year I will be sharing with you crafts,DIY, and every day basis hacks.

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